
Coming to terms with being human.


Why Are You Trying to Kill Me?

I noticed that people have been acting strangely around me about a week ago. Strangers would stare intently at me and then shuffle away. Acquaintances just a bit, like impersonations of themselves. I tried to dismiss the weirdness, as I had been studying for college finals (did well too), but eventually it was all too much to ignore. I sat myself down, did some thinking and then I remembered. I have an anxiety disorder that expresses itself in rather bizarre episodes of paranoia during stressful situations, like finals. What a relief, I'm just crazy.
That to say, I apologize for not posting but I was pretty sure you all hated me. So hopefully tonight's scouring of the interweb will uncover some nice sites I can share with you tomorrow. Until then, enjoy yourselves and take your meds.


Head in the Clouds

Yes. I am once again going to veil my lack of content with a distracting game for your amusement. But this particular game deserves your attention. Cloud's serenity will bring your blood pressure down to sub-American levels or, if you are already that lucky (go Canada!) you may achieve spiritual enlightenment. The game reminds me of a dream. The part before things go hideously wrong.

It is also free. Which often makes a well crafted experience additionally pleasurable.