
Coming to terms with being human.


Why the Bush Victory is good for Liberals

That’s right, this was a good thing. I’m not saying that Bush can’t do terrible damage to our country’s standing in the world. And yes, he very well might destroy any hope the poorer segments of society have for a better life. I’m sure he’s going to taint our Supreme Court with a right leaning judge. Still, all in all, this was a good event for liberals and even radicals like me.
Why? There are at least two reasons: shock value and Hillary ’08.

How many liberals our there are reeling right now? I am convinced that a large portion of progressives were positive that Bush couldn’t really win. “Fifty percent of the voting population can’t be that crazy (read conservative)!” they were thinking. Oh, but they can be and they are. I just saw an add for Channel One that said 55% of 12-13 year olds surveyed wanted Bush to win. These children of the corn are going to just miss the next election. Yes, America could quite possibly tip towards the right for a long time.
Back to the benefits. The shocking realization that our culture isn’t locked up for liberalism can bond liberals in a manner that will give them power. The progressive environment is expanding. Groups like Move On are joining individuals into collectives. Liberal focused media like Air America helps create a common experience and information base. Progressivism has the ability to become a potent force in our culture within the next decade.
Second, the reign of Hillary Clinton. Why vote in the child of a President when you can vote in his spouse? Seriously, Hillary is a strong, intelligent woman and an potent leader. She would make an outstanding President and the fact is, with Kerry in office we would have never had the chance to see what she can do.
Think about it. If Kerry were elected, then he would run again in 2008. Hillary couldn’t run until 2012. And what if Kerry won in ‘08? Chances are Edwards would have gotten the nod to be the next candidate. At this point Hillary is most likely out of the running. That would be a real loss.
In any case, progressives have been given four years of prep time. The only major obstacle is self-pity. Depression will just dampen the flames of indignation. The solution is to nurture annoyance or to cause positive change by applying your energies to fixing our nation. I suggest the annoyance route. It’s easier and more visible. Swing voters like things to be obvious.


  • At 9:02 PM , Blogger Jonathan said...

    Cool site, dude. My wife and I decided to stop by. Come visit mine at
    I'm linking to selfunfocused.
    Beloved liked the Hillary article--she's endorsing her for '08.


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